Monday- all assignments given (vocabulary sentences, vocabulary assignment on Edmodo,
grammar packet)
Tuesday- vocabulary sentences due on Edmodo
Thursday- vocabulary assignment (10 questions) on Edmodo due, grammar packet due
Friday- vocabulary and grammar quizzes
Resources to review the next prefix, “tri-” can be found on our Edmodo class page. If your student needs help keeping track of these due dates, remember to reference this weekly schedule and suggested plan.
Just so you are aware, there have been some rumblings of dating relationships amongst the 5th graders, and boys calling “dibs” on girls. We talked as a class today about how friendship should be the focus of students in 5th grade. Childhood is so short (and coming to an end sooner than they know!) and this is a time to focus on enjoying all the great things about being a kid. Friendships, sports, extracurricular activities, family and school work need to be what they’re worried about, not dating (there’s plenty of time for that later!). We talked, too, that we call “dibs” on a seat or a snack, and that by calling “dibs” on a person, we’re not treating them as a human being with thoughts, feelings and opinions, but as an object. Please let me know if you have any concerns. I wanted to be sure I shared so you could follow up with conversations at home, as you saw fit.
Next week we will begin a new bi-weekly assignment. The kids will be recording a Vlog every other week in which they talk about various topics. The idea is that the kids will be practicing their speaking skills- rate, pace, volume, clarity, organizing their thoughts, etc. The directions, topic choices, and rubric for assessing them can be found here. Students with numbers 1-12 will have their first Vlog entry due on Friday, December 14th.
The fifth grade is excited to once again celebrate the holiday season with 10 Days of Kindness. Students picked names today and will be spreading kindness over the next two weeks with a variety of activities. The activities for each day can be found here or on a sheet that was sent home in your child’s Friday folder. Please DO NOT buy anything for the last day. If your student doesn’t have any books he/she is done with at home, a selection can be chosen from our classroom library. Just let me know if your student would like to “shop” in the classroom.
We started Revolutionary War novel groups this past week. Students have had some time in class to get started on their assignments; anything not finished in class should be completed at home by the due date. Due dates and assignments can be found inside students’ manila folders or here.
Permission slips for our next field trip will be coming home in today’s Friday folder. Please complete this form and return it with payment as soon as possible so we can turn everything into the office before Winter break. Please also return the Christmas Story permission slips this week.
Winter MAP testing will be the week of December 10. 5th grade students will be taking the math assessment Tuesday, December 11 at 9:10. The reading assessment is scheduled for Friday, December 14 at 1:10. If you are able to schedule absences around these times, that would be great!
In conjunction with our recent science unit, we are working on some design engineering projects where students research problems with space exploration and work to design potential solutions. We have tied these solutions in with the Cardboard Challenge, which will take place for 5th grade on Monday, December 17th.