Thank you so much for all of the gifts and the generous gift card! Check out the picture below to see how I used it!
Now that we are back in the swing of things, a few updates....
This week is a review week for vocabulary. Sentences are still due Tuesday, and the practice question assignment is still due Thursday. There is no new prefix or root. Students will be reviewing the 12 we have done so far. There is still a quizlet for this review posted to Edmodo. Students need to know the definitions of the 12 prefixes and roots we have studied this year. Grammar will continue as usual, with the packet due on Thursday. The vocabulary review quiz and grammar quiz will both be on Friday.
We started The Liberation of Gabriel King today. This will mostly be read at school together as a class, but if students miss any of it in class, they are expected to make up the chapters at home. We will be not only reading the book, but using it in writing to practice responding to fiction text and analyzing characters throughout a story.
The Winter MAP schedule for our class is as follows: 1/16/18- Reading (1:10-2:40) and 1/18/18- Math (10:15-11:45). If you are able, please schedule absences around these times. Make-up testing for any absent students is scheduled for 1/23/18.
We will begin History Alive Chapter 14 on the Constitution this week, as well.
Have a great Dolphin week!