This will be a "normal" vocabulary and grammar week. Vocabulary sentences will be due on Tuesday; the vocabulary assignment on Edmodo and grammar packet will be due on Thursday. Quizzes will be on Friday.
The Children of the Wild West test will be Tuesday. Students should review their packets to prepare. They may also pre-read the final chapter, "Games, Parties, and Celebrations." This is an application test, so students will be assessed on how they use the text to answer given questions; they do not need to memorize content from the book.
Literature circle assessments will be on Thursday. Students may use their books and lit. circle packets during the test to answer questions about literary elements (plot, characters, setting, theme, etc.) and Notice and Note signposts.
Permission slips for the patrol field trip were sent home with students on Friday. Be sure to check your student's Friday folder for this, if you have not already. Permission slips and payment are due on Friday, May 11.
The book drive for Bernie's book bank begins today. Donations may be dropped off at the tables outside the office all this week and next.
Have a great Dolphin week!