Our vocabulary routine continues this week. Sentences will be due on Wednesday; the 10
question vocabulary assignment will be due on Thursday. The vocabulary quiz will be on Friday.
Resources to review next week’s prefix can be found on Edmodo or by clicking here. Students will
receive a new literacy checklist to keep track of assignments on Monday.
Students with numbers 1-10 have their second reading response on Google Classroom due Friday,
October 11; students will use the same doc from their last reading response assignment to
complete their second one. Students with numbers 11-20 have their second Vlog on SeeSaw due
on Friday, October 11; the Vlog 2 assignment will be posted to SeeSaw on Monday.
We’re wrapping up our first unit of writing; students’ final pieces should be completed by Friday,
October 11. We’ll be working on editing and publishing our work in class next week.
Conference letters should have come home in last week’s Friday folder. Please let me know as
soon as possible if your assigned conference time will not work for your family. 5th grade students
are encouraged, but not required, to attend conferences with their parents.
Robert Crown permission slips also were sent home in last week’s Friday folder. Please return the
permission slip no later than November 22, being sure to indicate which programs you’d like your
child to attend. Robert Crown staff comes to us, so there are no bus fees. The school district
covers the program costs. The district will be offering an informational night on November 12 at
7:00pm at the Dunton Administrative Building for parents interested in learning more about the
Robert Crown programming.
Have a great Dolphin week!