Here are some updates for the week ahead:
Just a reminder, there will be no grammar or vocabulary assignments this week. We will resume with the grammar and vocabulary routine the week of 10/22.
Students received a book talk assignment this week. Students’ book talks are due on Wednesday, October 17. Students should record their videos on SeeSaw. Details about the assignment can be found here. An optional planning sheet was posted to Edmodo.
CogAT testing will continue next week. 5th grade students will be testing Tuesday, October 16, from 9:10-10:10 and Wednesday, October 17, from 2:30-3:30.
There is no school Thursday, October 18 or Friday, October 19 to allow time for parent teacher conferences. Your student brought home a reminder of your assigned time in his/her Friday. If you cannot make your scheduled time, please let me know as soon as possible. 5th grade students are encouraged to attend conferences. However, if this does not work for your family, no worries at all. Please make the decision that is best for your child.
Veterans Day invitations are came home in the Friday folder, as well! If you have a special veteran in your life who you would like to invite to our annual Veterans Day celebration, please fill out the form and return it to school by October 17 so we can be sure to send him or her an invitation.
I hope you had a great weekend! I look forward to seeing you next week for conferences!
Please remember to fill out this form indicating your child’s plans for lunch on Halloween, if you haven’t already. Details about Halloween guidelines at Dryden can be found here.