- Next week, the grammar and vocabulary routine will continue. Here is the breakdown for next week:
Monday- all assignments given (vocabulary sentences, vocabulary assignment on Edmodo,
grammar packet)
Tuesday- vocabulary sentences due (can be submitted on Edmodo or paper)
Thursday- vocabulary assignment (10 questions) on Edmodo due, grammar packet due
Friday- vocabulary and grammar quizzes
- Next week, students with numbers 13-23 have their first reading response letters due. This assignment should be completed in your student's reading response spiral.
- Monday and Tuesday, select students will be taking the MAP test for progress monitoring purposes. You would have received an email from me last week if your student is scheduled to test. If you have questions about which assessment, if any, your student is taking, please let me know.
- This week you should have seen a test form come home inside the Friday Folder. This will be a running spreadsheet in which the students will be recording each assessment, a quick reflection, and an indication of their performance. Depending on the test and whether it was done online or on paper, you may also find a copy of the test or an assessment feedback form in this folder. We ask that you please review these assessments with your child and then initial the spreadsheet next to that assessment. Please take out and keep at home any feedback forms or tests-just leave the spreadsheet in the prongs of the folder. We are using this format to help bridge the gap between traditional grading and our new standards based grading. We will do our best with each assessment to communicate how your child is performing related to the content area standards, as well as what a traditional point value may have been. We have discussed with all the students the switch in grading and what it means for them, but we are sure there will be many questions along the way. If you or your child have any questions about our new system or about assessment feedback, please be sure to reach out (or have your child ask!). Each week, we ask that you please review the Friday Folder and send it back to school signed and empty the following week.
- We had our first social studies test this week. Students completed an assessment feedback sheet Friday morning related to the standard assessed; this sheet can be found in your student's Friday folder. Students who did not meet the standard should should check the post on Edmodo for details on how to prepare for the retake. Students retaking the test should have completed the steps listed on Edmodo by Tuesday, September 11.
- We will be starting Chapter 11 of social studies this week. Students will have a short research assignment this week about Patriots and Loyalists not included in our textbook. Be sure to check Edmodo on Wednesday for details and due dates.
- Please return your 5th grade t-shirt order form and Naper Settlement permission slip as soon as possible. Those were given to students Tuesday. If you need another copy of either form, please let me know.
- School picture forms were given to students on Friday. Picture day is Thursday, September 20.
Have a great Dolphin week!