Here are some things for this week:
If you have not yet returned your 5th grade T-shirt order form and payment, please be sure to
do so as soon as possible.
Camp Duncan permission slips went home in today’s Friday folder. Please return your
permission slip and bus payment as soon as possible.
School picture forms also were sent home in today’s Friday folder. Picture day is
September 25.
Please remember to sign the middle insert of your child's Friday folder and return the
emptied folder on Monday.
Our vocabulary routine will continue next week. The sentence assignment will be due on
Wednesday. The practice assignment on Edmodo will be due Thursday. The vocabulary quiz
will be on Friday. Resources to review the coming week’s prefix can be found on Edmodo or
by clicking here.
A book talk assignment was introduced this past week. Students’ book talks should be
recorded and uploaded to SeeSaw by Friday, September 20. Directions for this assignment
and a planning sheet were shared with students last week.
We’ll be wrapping up our science unit over the next couple of weeks. The Earth in Space test
for my class is tentatively scheduled for September 25th or 26th. Resources to review will be
posted to Edmodo or can be found here if your student is eager to begin studying!
If you have not yet completed the conference preference form, please be sure to do so as
soon as possible. Fall parent-teacher conferences will be Thursday, October 24, and
Friday, October 25. There is no school on these days.
Have a great Dolphin week!