NAPER SETTLEMENT-Our trip to Naper Settlement is Friday. We will be going rain or shine so be sure to dress appropriately. Don't forget to bring a sack lunch as we will be eating there.
SOCIAL STUDIES-We are in the midst of preparing a Loyalist vs. Patriot debate in class. The debate will take place later this week with the Chapter 11 test to follow.
Another permission slip came home on Friday. This one is for the Historical Reenactment that the district holds each year. Please return these as soon as possible.
The vocabulary and grammar schedule will be adjusted slightly this week due to the field trip on Friday. Vocabulary sentences will be due on Tuesday; the grammar packet and 10-question vocabulary assignment on Edmodo will be due on Wednesday. Quizzes will be on Thursday.
This coming Friday, we'll be kicking off One Book, One School! Each family will be receiving a copy of Nest for Celeste on Friday (books will be coming home with the youngest or only Dryden student in a family). Details about this exciting reading opportunity can be found on Mrs. O'Kelly's LMC page. Read alouds of each chapter will be available on this page if your family wants to read along with Dryden teachers or local celebrities like our superintendent or one of the AHML children's librarians!
Have a great Dolphin week!